主任委员:张宁 南京医科大学附属脑科医院
副主任委员:王振 上海市精神卫生中心
闫俊 北京大学第六医院
贾艳滨 暨南大学附属第一医院
刘薇 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院
专委会秘书及联系人:柳娜 南京医科大学附属脑科医院
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Professional Committee of Chinese Psychiatrist Association (CPA-OCD) announced its establishment at the 14th annual meeting of the Chinese Psychiatrist Association held in Kunming on April 13, 2018, forming a national team of experts to carry out clinical, teaching and research work in the field of OCD. The organization is aimed at improving recognition rate of OCD and related disorders, as well as strengthening early identification and early intervention of OCD, regulating clinical diagnosis and treatment of OCD and related disorders, carrying out clinical and basic scientific research, so that promoting evidence-based treatment of OCD and related disorders, popularizing diagnosis and treatment norms of OCD and related disorders.
Chairman :Ning Zhang, The affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
Vice Chairman: Zhen Wang, Shanghai Mental Health Center
Jun Yan, Peking University Sixth Hospital
Yanbing Jia, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University
Wei Liu, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University
Contact CPA-OCD Professional Committees: The Professional Committee, The affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical University